GHG inventory/carbon footprint
Understanding the sources - and sinks - of your greenhouse gas emissions, and the significance of those, is critical to managing your impact. At a facility, organizational or product level, a comprehensive GHG inventory - often also called a 'carbon footprint' - is often a first step in GHG management, but may also be a frequent effort, as part of internal or external monitoring and reporting processes. Firefly has experience working with municipal, community, institutional and industrial clients reporting under:
ICLEI/PCP framework
CSA Challenge Registry
Alberta SGER and TIER
and other reporting standards.
This includes experience in quantifying Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emission sources.
We provide services to our clients including bespoke emission reduction calculators, training, data management manuals and professional, public-facing reporting.

GHG reduction and offset projects
Properly quantifying the benefit of your efforts to reduce your GHG impacts requires knowledge, discipline and data. Firefly has experience quantifying and reporting a wide variety of GHG reduction projects to the ISO 14064-2 standard, mostly for the purpose of creating verifiable offset credits for Alberta Emissions Offset Registry, BC and voluntary standards such as the CSA's GHG Clean Projects Registry and Verra's VCS.
This includes:
Renewable Energy projects - wind power, solar, biomass, anaerobic digestion (biogas)
Oil and Gas projects - Acid gas injection, enhanced oil recovery, high-low bleed pneumatic controller swapouts, engine fuel gas management, reduced pipeline blowdowns and waste-heat-to-power projects.
Energy Efficiency projects - Energy efficient lighting and building controls retrofit programs, CHP, fuel-switching (electrification)
Transportation projects - Aerodynamic truck retrofits, hydrogen fuel cells
Water and Wastewater projects - anaerobic digestion (biogas), wastewater lagoon upgrades, regional potable water network
We can assist you in quantifying your baseline, project and emission reductions, and in preparing the Offset Project Plan, Offset Project Report and other documentation needed to create tradeable carbon offsets.

GHG validations and independent reviews (IR)
GHG accounting is complex and overlooked material errors or omissions can result in significant contractual or financial issues for offset project developers and for verifiers alike. This is particularly the case with large, complex and/or high-value projects, or where the team is new or inexperienced. Firefly can help to de-risk your project development or support your verification team, applying our long experience in both of these areas to ensure your project is delivered to the highest standards.
We offer:
Independent (Peer) Review to third party validators and verifiers in accordance with ISO 14064-3.
Validation and/or pre-verifications reviews to de-risk large, complicated and/or high value emission offset projects.

Other projects and services
We also offer a variety of other GHG project services, such as:
Support for grant applications, such as Emissions Reduction Alberta Challenges and the Federal ICIP/Climate Lens
Protocol development;
GHG/Carbon Market Assessments for new project developers and/or investors
Project data collection design
Liaison with the regulator regarding technical issues on offset project development
Level 1 and 2 building energy audits.