One of our core values at Firefly is that we 'walk the talk'. In other words, we will do as we advise our clients to do, and seek to understand and then minimize our own carbon footprint. The first step on this journey is always to produce an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions - as the old saying goes, "you can't manage what you don't measure".
We have committed to producing an annual carbon footprint - or GHG inventory - every year. In addition, part of our 2019 action plan was a commitment to achieving carbon neutrality for 2020 onwards.
We are proud to publish our 2021 Carbon Footprint Report. For the second year running, we have achieved net zero emissions by taking a number of reduction actions and by partnering with TreeEra (a Canadian-based social venture that works to community fund the planting of trees) to fund the planting of 267 mangrove trees in Madagascar. These are anticipated to remove 20 tonnes CO2e from the atmosphere, more than enough to offset our 2021 footprint and to make us a carbon neutral company. You can read about this project here.
To download/read carbon footprint reports click on the report covers on this page.